Capital Bikeshare Analytics Dashboard in Power BI

Project Overview

This project involved designing and developing a Power BI dashboard to analyze bikeshare trends using data from Capital Bikeshare. The dashboard provides insights into ridership patterns, trip durations, distances traveled, and bike type preferences for 2022 and 2023. The goal was to uncover trends that could help optimize bike availability, improve user experience, and support infrastructure planning.

By extracting, transforming, and modeling over 8 million ride records from CSV files stored in Amazon S3, I created an interactive and visually appealing dashboard that allows stakeholders to explore bikeshare adoption trends, peak usage times, and station utilization patterns.


The Steps I Took

I extracted ride data from Amazon S3, handling compressed CSV files using Python scripts. After filtering and structuring the data to focus on the 2022-2023 period, I performed initial transformations such as removing duplicates, handling missing values, and standardizing date formats.

I imported the cleaned dataset into Power BI using Power Query, where I conducted further transformations:

  • Converted ride timestamps into meaningful time-based aggregations (hourly, daily, monthly).
  • Computed distance traveled using the Haversine formula, ensuring accurate trip measurement.
  • Created calculated columns and measures using DAX to track ride duration, frequency, and trends.
  • Implemented a star schema data model to optimize query performance.

I developed an interactive, dynamic dashboard using native Power BI visuals along with custom elements such as an SVG visual and a heatmap by @Weiwei Cui. Key design considerations included:

  • Minimalist color scheme (red for negative/absence, dark blue for high presence, light blue for lower values).
  • Intuitive navigation to allow users to filter by time period, distance bins, and ride duration.
  • Performance-optimized visuals for seamless exploration of large datasets.


Key Insights & Findings



Total Rides & Growth Trends
  • 4.5 million rides recorded in 2023, reflecting a +28.5% increase from 2022.
  • Ridership peaks during warmer months (May - October), aligning with seasonal biking behavior.
  • The growth indicates higher adoption, possibly due to increased membership or improved station access.
Ride Duration & Time Patterns
  • 1.4 million hours of total ride time, marking an +11.5% increase from 2022.
  • Morning (7 AM - 9 AM) and evening (5 PM - 7 PM) commutes see peak ridership, while weekends show midday spikes, suggesting casual riding behavior.
Distance & Route Analysis
  • 8 billion meters traveled in 2023, up +27.2% from 2022.
  • Most rides fall within 1-2 km, highlighting the importance of mid-range station placements.
  • Distance trends mirror seasonal ride activity, confirming the role of bikesharing as a viable transport alternative.
Bike Type Preferences
  • Electric bikes are favored for longer trips, while classic bikes dominate short commutes.
  • Members rarely use docked bikes, suggesting the need for fleet redistribution strategi
Ride Start Heatmap
  • High ride concentrations near business districts, tourist areas, and transit hubs.
  • Certain low-utilization stations may require relocation or additional promotion.


Expand bike availability during peak commuting hours – Ensuring more bikes at key stations will enhance accessibility.
Optimize pricing structures – Encouraging mid-range trips can increase engagement without over-penalizing long rides.
Redistribute bikes based on usage patterns – Relocate underused docked bikes to high-traffic areas.
Promote electric bike adoption – Offering incentives for e-bike memberships could increase longer ride frequencies.
Enhance station placement strategies – Prioritize 1-2 km station spacing to match majority ride patterns.


Final Thoughts

This Capital Bikeshare Power BI dashboard provided data-driven insights into user behavior, seasonal trends, and bike utilization patterns. The findings support infrastructure planning, fleet optimization, and pricing strategy improvements to enhance the overall bikeshare experience.


Project Link

Fabric Community-PowerBI Viz Championship Gallery

Code Sample (Python)

Python code extracting and transforming data

import requests
import zipfile
import io
import pandas as pd


# Lists to hold data from each CSV extraction
rides_list = []
start_stations_list = []
end_stations_list = []

# Iterate through each ZIP URL in the source list
for zip_url in source_df:
    print(f"Processing: {zip_url}")
        response = requests.get(zip_url)
        with zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(response.content)) as z:
            for file_name in z.namelist():
                # Skip system files
                if file_name.startswith("__MACOSX") or file_name.endswith(".DS_Store"):
                if file_name.lower().endswith('.csv'):
                    with as f:
                            # Read CSV file into a DataFrame
                            df = pd.read_csv(f, low_memory=False)
                            print(f"Loaded {file_name} with shape {df.shape}")
                            # Extract rides table
                            # Select the columns from the original DataFrame
                            rides = df[['rideable_type', 'started_at', 'ended_at', 
                                        'start_station_id', 'start_station_name', 
                                        'end_station_id', 'end_station_name',
                                        'member_casual', 'start_lat', 'start_lng', 'end_lat', 'end_lng']]
                            rides = rides.copy()
                            rides.loc[:, 'member_casual'] = rides['member_casual'].map({'casual': 2, 'member': 1})
                            rides.loc[:, 'rideable_type'] = rides['rideable_type'].map({'electric_bike': 3, 'docked_bike': 2, 'classic_bike': 1})
                        except Exception as e:
                            print(f"Error reading {file_name} in {zip_url}: {e}")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error processing {zip_url}: {e}")

# Combine extracted data from all files
if rides_list:
    rides_df = pd.concat(rides_list, ignore_index=True)
    rides_df['start_station'] = rides_df['start_station_id'].apply(lambda x: str(int(x)) if pd.notnull(x) else '') + '-' + rides_df['start_station_name']
    rides_df['end_station'] = rides_df['end_station_id'].apply(lambda x: str(int(x)) if pd.notnull(x) else '') + '-' + rides_df['end_station_name']
    # rides_df = rides_df[
    #     rides_df['start_station'].notna() & (rides_df['start_station'].astype(str).str.strip() != '') &
    #     rides_df['end_station'].notna()   & (rides_df['end_station'].astype(str).str.strip() != '')
    # ]

    rides_df['started_at'] = pd.to_datetime(rides_df['started_at'], errors='coerce')
    rides_df['ended_at'] = pd.to_datetime(rides_df['ended_at'], errors='coerce')

    # Filter rows where the difference in seconds is less than 30 seconds
    # rides_df = rides_df[(rides_df['ended_at'] - rides_df['started_at']).dt.total_seconds() > 0]

    rides_df=rides_df.drop(columns=['start_station_id', 'start_station_name','end_station_id','end_station_name'])

    unique_start_stations = rides_df['start_station'].drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True)
    unique_start_stations_df = pd.DataFrame({'start_station': unique_start_stations})
    unique_start_stations_df['start_station_id'] = unique_start_stations_df.index + 100  # IDs starting at 100
    unique_end_stations = rides_df['end_station'].drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True)
    unique_end_stations_df = pd.DataFrame({'end_station': unique_end_stations})
    unique_end_stations_df['end_station_id'] = unique_end_stations_df.index + 10  # IDs starting at 10

    rides_final_df_1 = pd.merge(rides_df, unique_start_stations_df, on='start_station', how='inner')
    rides_final_df_2 = pd.merge(rides_final_df_1, unique_end_stations_df, on='end_station', how='inner')
    rides_final_df_2.to_csv("Rides2.csv", index=False)
    print("Combined Rides DataFrame shape:", rides_df.shape)
    rides_df = pd.DataFrame()
    print("No Rides data found.")

member_data = {
    'member_casual': [1, 2],
    'member_casual_name': ['member', 'casual']

Members = pd.DataFrame(member_data)


type_data = {
    'rideable_type': [1, 2,3],
    'rideable_type_name': ['classic_bike', 'docked_bike','electric_bike']

Rideable_type = pd.DataFrame(type_data)
print("Data proccess completed")