Electronic Sales Dashboard

Project Overview

Developed this Power BI Dashboard to analyze electronic sales trends in Germany, focusing on sales performance, profitability, regional comparisons, and product analysis. The dashboard provides dynamic insights using advanced analytics techniques, enabling users to track key metrics and make data-driven decisions.

The 5-page interactive report includes:
Sales & Profit Year-over-Year (YoY) Comparison
Regional and Product Performance Analysis
Product Orders & Rankings
Waffle Chart for Performance Visualization
80/20 Rule Analysis (Pareto Analysis)
Advanced DAX Calculations for Key Insights

This project integrates intuitive navigation, drill-throughs, and slicers, making the dashboard highly interactive and user-friendly.


Key Features of the Dashboard

  1. Data Preparation & Integration: 
    • Data imported into Power BI from a structured source.
    • Data Cleaning & Transformation performed using Power Query (Removed missing values and inconsistencies, Standardized date formats and sales records, Merged multiple tables for comprehensive analysis)
  2. Dynamic Metrics & Advanced DAX Calculations
  3. Ranking of Top Products & Regions
  4. 80/20 Rule Analysis
  5. Visualizations & Interactive Report Design:

    ✔ Sales & Profit YoY Trends (Line Charts and KPIs)
    ✔ Region-wise Performance Breakdown (Choropleth Map)
    ✔ Top Selling Products 
    ✔ Waffle Chart for Performance Visualization
    ✔ 80/20 Rule Analysis (Identified top-performing 20% of products generating 80% of revenue).
    ✔ Navigation & Filtering


Steps Taken

  • Loaded structured sales data into Power BI.
  • Performed data cleansing and transformation using Power Query.
  • Standardized date fields, sales figures, and product categories.
  • Used DAX calculations for YoY comparisons, cumulative sales, and ranking.
  • Implemented 80/20 rule analysis for identifying top products.
  • Created a 5-page report with an intuitive layout and drill-through navigation.
  • Designed custom visuals, including waffle charts, heatmaps, and trend lines.
  • Published the dashboard to Power BI Service.
  • Shared reports with stakeholders, allowing real-time analysis and filtering.


Screenshots / Demo


Insights and Impact

Top-Performing Products

Identified the top 20% of products contributing to 80% of total revenue using 80/20 rule analysis. This helped focus efforts on high-impact products while optimizing marketing and supply chain strategies.

YoY Sales & Profit Trends

Implemented DAX-based YoY comparisons to track sales, profit, and order trends across multiple years. This enabled users to identify seasonal patterns, forecast revenue, and assess business growth effectively.

Ranking & Competitive Insights

Developed ranking models using using DAX ranking functions, allowing to identify top-selling products, and regional sales gaps. This enabled insight in better pricing strategy, stock prioritization, and resource allocation for growth.


Technical Highlights


Data Cleaning & Transformation

Utilized Power Query to clean, transform, and structure raw sales data. This included handling missing values, merging datasets, standardizing date formats, and creating calculated columns for enhanced reporting accuracy.

Comparisons & Ranking

Implemented DAX for calculating Year-over-Year (YoY) comparisons of sales, profit, and order trends, Ranking, Finding Cutoff value, Cumulative Total, Cumulative percentage, and finding average.

Navigation Buttons & Slicers

Designed an interactive navigation system using buttons, bookmarks, and slicers to enable quick filtering by region, year, and product category, providing users with a smooth, drill-through experience.

Published on Power BI Service

Deployed the report to Power BI Service, allowing stakeholders to access live, auto-updated reports with real-time filtering and mobile-friendly access for better decision-making.

Final Thoughts

The Electronic Sales Insights project demonstrates advanced Power BI capabilities, dynamic KPI tracking, and data-driven storytelling. It highlights my expertise in:
✔ Data Preparation & Transformation with Power Query
✔ DAX for Advanced Analytics (YoY, Ranking, Cumulative Analysis, 80/20 Rule, etc.)
✔ Creating Interactive & Insightful Visual Reports
✔ Enhancing User Experience with Navigation & Filtering

This dashboard serves as a powerful decision-making tool for business leaders, sales managers, and finance teams.